Sandgate Auto Electrics took in this Toyota Landcruiser 79 Series Dual Cab. It came into our automotive shop with a battery system and power problems. It had a dual battery system to power the truck along with a Redarc charging system. Both of which have non-operational issues.
A faulty battery system happens to be one of the most common automotive problems we fix here at McArthur Industries. One of our experts, Dave, performed tests on its dual battery system and Anderson plugs. Test results find that the Landcruiser 79 had a faulty auxiliary battery. An auxiliary battery serves as a safety back-up power support for the main battery. Without it, several vehicle systems will be deficient and be non-functional. Also, McArthur Industries finds that no power is surging into the Anderson plugs.
Disposing off the old auxiliary battery, we connect a new auxiliary battery and then, test the Landcruiser 79’s charging system. Adding up to the number of issues this Landcruiser 79 has, we found its Redarc BC/DC charger not operating. With the charging system non-operational, this vehicle needs a replacement to stay charging on the road.
Then, we begin to check all fuses and power connections from which we find the MIDI fuse holders severely corroded. Voltage drops significantly with the damaged MIDI fuse holders.
After performing all these tests, we removed the old Redarc charging system to vacate it for a newer one. Now, the solution to our car service for this Landcruiser 79 now begins.
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We manufactured a new bracket to mount the BC/DC charger behind the Landcruiser 79’s grill. This way it stays unmoved and untampered even with all the treks this truck will traverse. We want to ensure that the replacements will not encounter the same problems as the previous battery system.
Following this, we supply fitted a new Redarc BC/DC charger that’ll finally supply the vehicle with electricity. Along with this was wiring new and functional MIDI fuses that’ll protect the vehicle’s circuits.
Finally, we supplied and fitted a new auxiliary 100 Amp-Hour AGM battery. A newer battery ensures that this Landcruiser gets better performance. Along with this is better current regulation, and electricity consumption.
With a new battery, we tested the Redarc BC/DC charging system and the Anderson plugs we attached to the Landcruiser.
Setting our tools aside, we gave this truck one final test and got the engine running. With a new dual battery system, it’s now ready to hit the road driving at high performance and low power consumption. Contact us or visit our shop if you need an expert services on automobiles.